
Links Subsections:

Eclipse Links: Live Webcasts and Archives


Live Coverage: August 11, 1999 - Live reports from Europe, and a satellite feed from Amaysa, Turkey.

Archives: February 26, 1998 - RealVideo and still images from the total eclipse in the Caribbean.

Eclipse 2001 Live Webcasts/Webcams - Museums can sign up here to access a live feed of the Exploratorium's 2001 webcast to feature on their sites!

Live! Eclipse 2001 - Live coverage from Africa.

Eclipse 1999 Archives

Ciel et Espace - A French site linked to no less than 40 webcams.

Live! Eclipse '99 - Archives of live coverage from a number of locations between England and Iran.

Media-i Webcast from Turkey and Munich - Another live webcast from a number of European locations.

GSM Cellular Phone or INMARSAT Satellite System - In Real G2 video and audio, you'll get to see and hear the headline acts and watch an archive of the eclipse as it happened, from the Lizard Peninsular, Cornwall.

Live Webcast from Stuttgart

140 Weather-Web-Cams - A German news service launching weathercams and a live Webcast.

Austrian Web-Cam Page - Another Webcam link-up site.

World Map of Live Webcams - A world map shows the position of various cameras online worldwide.

German Web-Cam Page - A German and English language site with links to various Webcams.

Romanian Space Agency Webcast - A Webcast from the official Romanian site and point of greatest eclipse.

Eclipse 1998 Archives

Eclipse '98 Webcast - A twelve-camera link-up covering the 1998 eclipse in the Caribbean.

Curacao Eclipse - Another 1998 live site including archives and maps. This site gives a flavor of a live Webcast.

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