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  De Humani Corporis Fabrica

De Humani Corporis Fabrica
(Scientific American Sci/Tech Award)

Andreas Vesalius revolutionized the teaching of anatomy with the publication of his book On the Fabric of the Human Bod y in 1543. Visitors can browse an English translation of Book I, The Bones and Cartilages, of this groundbreaking work, and access images of the skeletal system by name or body location. The images’ astounding accuracy and intricate detail make them ideal for teaching anatomy, even today. There’s also a comprehensive index of anatomical terms. (This site uses Flash and QuickTime.)

  Cancer Quest

(Scientific American Sci/Tech Award)

Every site should be as clean and easy to navigate as CancerQuest, a comprehensive site created by Emory University scientists to teach the biology of cancer. Beginning with a tutorial on how healthy cells function, the site covers tumor biology, cancer diagnosis, different types of cancer, treatments, and clinical trials, all in great detail. Plus, there’s a stellar compilation of links to hundreds of other resources. (This site uses Flash.)

  Kids Health

Kids Health
(ENC Digital Dozen Award)

This site provides expert health information about children, from before birth through adolescence. There’s a kids-only area that has recipes, games, and recommended links. The “My Body Scavenger Hunt” explains how different organs of the body function, and articles answer questions commonly asked by children. There’s also a glossary with nontechnical definitions of medical terms. (This site uses Shockwave.)

  Changing the Face of Medicine

Changing the Face of Medicine
(ENC Digital Dozen Award)

This site celebrates some of the United States’ extraordinary women physicians. Students can post their own stories of memorable woman physicians, and the resources section offers standards-based lesson plans for grades K–12 that explore health and medicine topics. Students can also explore interactive activities such as the “Circulation Station,” where visitors guide a red blood cell through the body and then learn about a woman physician who helped infants with a congenital heart condition. (This site uses Flash and QuickTime.)

  Artificial Anatomy: Papier-Mâché Anatomical Models

Artificial Anatomy: Papier-Mâché Anatomical Models
(ENC Digital Dozen Award)

This Web site from the Smithsonian National Museum of American History highlights the use of papier-mâché anatomical models as a learning tool, with plenty of photos and historical information. Major sections of the site include the history of anatomy teaching and photos of various human, veterinary, and botanical models. A fun addition to the site is the Body Parts game, where users test their anatomical knowledge. (This site uses Flash.)

  Website Gallery pages:
Numbers | Living Things | Earth and Environment | Physical World | Machines and Inventions | Mind and Culture | Human Body | The Universe | Collections



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