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Live the Dream! Letter from the President ESTEME Week '05
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  Game Theory

Game Theory
(Scout Report selection)

There’s plenty of material here to draw students young and old into the math of everyday life. Background essays describe how game theory works, and interactive games give visitors a chance to explore risk, strategy, and probability. But the real clinchers are sections describing how mathematics underlies plots in popular films, literature, and headline news stories.

  The Abacus

The Abacus
(Scientific American Sci/Tech Award)

The under-appreciated abacus is given a worthy devotion on this site, which has been translated into four other languages besides English. Relying largely on javascript, the site features an interactive history of the ancient calculator, and an online tutorial. There are also discussions of the abacus versus that electronic calculator, information about the abacus in many cultures, and guides for teachers.

  Calendars Through the Ages

Calendars Through the Ages
(New Scientist Weblinks selection)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday—it wasn't always like this. Learn how our current Gregorian calendar developed, and about calendars of other cultures, on this interesting Web site. There's also a history of the 7-day week, and the astronomical basis for our timekeeping.

  Archimedes' Laboratory Archimedes' Laboratory
(EduNet Connect choice)

How is pasta related to geometry? How many puzzles can you solve in an afternoon? This site, named after the famous mathematician, is filled with puzzles, optical illusions, and even instructions for making your own puzzles. In English, French, and Italian.
  Count Us In

Count Us In
(ENC Digital Dozen Award)

The games on this Web site are geared to younger children, with fancifully-illustrated exercises to help them grasp basic number concepts. Addition, subtraction, and number recognition are conveyed through cartoons of everyday activities such as bowling, boarding a bus, and visiting the beach. ( This site uses Flash .)

  Website Gallery pages:
Numbers | Living Things | Earth and Environment | Physical World | Machines and Inventions | Mind and Culture | Human Body | The Universe | Collections

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working with the Department of Education to bring you ESTEME Week.