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  Amusement Park Physics

Amusement Park Physics
(ENC Digital Dozen Award)

Visit this site to discover the forces behind the fun. Users learn about the laws of physics through such activities as building their own rollercoasters and predicting the outcome of bumper-car collisions. Teachers can sign up for monthly e-mail updates about resources for the classroom as well as a free satellite channel providing an extraordinary range of teacher professional development and instructional programs.

  A Visual Interpretation of the Table of Elements

A Visual Interpretation of the Table of Elements
(New Scientist Weblinks selection)
A work of art loaded with information: Each element on the table is represented by a beautifully cryptic image. Roll over the element to learn such things as its biological role, isotopes, and the history of its discovery. ( This site uses Flash .)

  What’s That Stuff?

What’s That Stuff?
(ENC Digital Dozen Award)

What exactly is in your toothpaste? What about that paper you’re writing on or the bug spray you use in summer? This site puts science into everyday life, with informative descriptions of the chemistry behind the products we use on a regular basis.

  Atomic Archive

Atomic Archive
(Scientific American Sci/Tech Award)

Explore the complex history of the atomic bomb through animations of atomic reactions, “this month in atomic history,” a nuclear history timeline, and lots of other media exploring nuclear science, including a “what if” scenario of a nuclear explosion in an American city. ( This site uses QuickTime .)

  The Particle Adventure

The Particle Adventure
(Physics Central Buckyball Award)

Find answers to the eternal, fundamental questions of physics: “What is the world made of?” and “What holds it together?” The information on this site is clearly presented and well organized, with fabulous resources for teachers, including student activity sheets and links to particle physics education sites. ( This site uses Flash and Shockwave .)

  Website Gallery pages:
Numbers | Living Things | Earth and Environment | Physical World | Machines and Inventions | Mind and Culture | Human Body | The Universe | Collections



  About ESTEME ESTEME News Our Partners  
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is the lead agency
working with the Department of Education to bring you ESTEME Week.