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  Backyard Jungle

Backyard Jungle
(Big Top Web Site)

You don’t have to travel any further than your own backyard—and your computer—to take a look at the science that’s just out the back door. This kid-friendly online community allows users to create maps of their natural surroundings (both real and imaginary) and chart the flora and fauna they see. Users vote on their favorite backyard, post photos, and discuss the wonders of their own little slice of nature. ( This site uses Shockwave and Flash .)

  Global Climate Change Research Explorer

Global Climate Change Research Explorer
(Pirelli Award)

More than just a window on the weather, this site explains how climate change affects everything from stratospheric temperatures to the golden toad of Costa Rica. Graphs, articles, and maps monitor humankind’s impact on the planet we call home. ( This site uses Shockwave and Flash .)

  NASA Earth Observatory

NASA Earth Observatory
(Webby Award)

Catch up on current earth-related news through this resource-filled site. Educators can choose from a variety of experiments about natural phenomena, such as the wind speed of hurricanes. Peruse through aerial and satellite photographs of the blue planet and learn about pioneers in geoscience. ( This site uses QuickTime.)

  Earth as Art

Earth as Art
(Scientific American Sci/Tech Award)

Don’t let the less-than-fancy front page fool you: There’s art in here. NASA’s Landsat has taken some remarkable pictures of our earth and given us views that would be at home on the walls of your local gallery. Browse by continent, or look through the index of all the photos at once.

  USGS Learning Web

USGS Learning Web
(New Scientist Weblinks selection)

This resource-packed site is a boon for K–12 teachers and students: loads of lesson plans and activities, including Topo Bingo, as well as project ideas and homework advice.

  Website Gallery pages:
Numbers | Living Things | Earth and Environment | Physical World | Machines and Inventions | Mind and Culture | Human Body | The Universe | Collections



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working with the Department of Education to bring you ESTEME Week.