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  Becoming Human

Becoming Human
(Webby Award)

Journey through the story of human evolution with this beautiful, informative site. Activities allow students to build and compare chimpanzee and human skeletons, match up chromosomes to see how humans and orangutans are related, and discover that e. coli is one of our common ancestors. There are also lesson plans that incorporate these activities, as well as pop-up exhibits and an interactive documentary. ( This site uses Flash .)

  Theban Mapping Project

Theban Mapping Project
(Museums and the Web Award)

For the budding (and experienced) Egyptologist, this site provides a wealth of information from the archeological digs at Thebes. Visitors can zoom into the atlas of the Valley of the Kings and explore the hundreds of tombs by watching movies, using interactive diagrams, and viewing thumbnail shots. Interactive maps allow users to measure distances and elevation, and there are even printable PDFs of the tomb maps. ( This site uses Flash .)

  The Sport of Life and Death: The Mesoamerican Ballgame

The Sport of Life and Death: The Mesoamerican Ballgame
(MUSE Award)

The phrase “killer competition” takes on a whole new meaning with this highly interactive and informative Web site. The life and death competition is explained with artwork, movies, cultural comparisons, and images. Suggestions for K–12 classroom use allow teachers to incorporate the information at the appropriate grade levels. ( This site uses Flash and QuickTime .)

  SF Symphony Kids: Fun with Music

SF Symphony Kids: Fun with Music
(Web Marketing Association Web Award)

This very imaginative site uses interactive elements to teach the principles behind instruments in the symphony and musical composition. Clever interactives allow kids to experiment with harmony, pitch, rhythm, and tempo. Users can create their own compositions with the Composerizer and play songs on the mini keyboard of the Performalator. ( This site uses Flash .)

  Scientific American Frontiers: Make Up Your Mind

Scientific American Frontiers: Make Up Your Mind
(Internet Scout Report selection)

An excellent source for classroom material on brain anatomy and function, this site can be tailored for a broad range of grade levels. Features include a Teaching Guide with downloadable activities and a quiz (for grades 5–8), plus Web links and other references. Users can also view an interactive tour of the human brain. ( This site uses Shockwave .)

  Website Gallery pages:
Numbers | Living Things | Earth and Environment | Physical World | Machines and Inventions | Mind and Culture | Human Body | The Universe | Collections



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