Electronic Guidebook Research Project
Who was the Guidebook designed for?
How does the Guidebook system operate?
User Interface
How do people use the Guidebook?
What kinds of information does the Guidebook present?
  How did we test the Guidebook’s use and effectiveness?
More Studies
  Executive Summary
Key Questions
Interface Prototypes
Q & A Application

More Studies | Q & A Application

The Q & A application is a forum-like application that allows Explainers to post and answer questions about selected topics in the museum, or about science, to other users of the application. The users posting questions and answers generate all of the content on the site. The Q & A is accessible via the handheld and through a Web browser.

This application was developed to contrast most handheld applications in museums and allow Explainers to share their breadth of knowledge about their learning in a peer-to-peer fashion. The application also created a repository of Explainer-generated content, experiences, and practices.


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